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CHIASTOLITE is an opaque mineral usually a dark brown, with a natural black cross formation within the stone. The cross formation are often only visible when the stone is sliced open. It is commonly called Cross Stone as well as referred to as a type of fairy cross.  Throughout history, Chiastolite has been a popular religious talisman. Chiastolite has long been regarded as a stone that s highly protective and is a highly effective psychic protection stone.  If you feel fearful, depressed, anxious or stressed, Chiastolite can help.  Chiastolite possesses strong metaphysical properties. It can be utilized to assist one in connecting with the Akashic records while remaining grounded, to change negative energy into positive, increase communication, as well as promoting peace and harmony. It has been known to transform disagreements into attitudes of harmonious agreement.  Chiastolite also enables you to understand your mortality, to be aware that life changes and the necessity to adapt to those changes.   It is known to be helpful to ease the process of those who are approaching their death, as well as  those who are having difficulty adapting to change, particularly those who have experienced unexpected severe illness that challenges their relationship to their spiritual beliefs.
Chiastolite possesses a  deep connection to the earth and is a strong spiritual grounding stone.  Its energy can be used to strengthen the entire body, energize any chakra you choose, repair damage to the auric field, increase  analytical abilities, and enhance creativity. It is an excellent stone to use for meditation, as it's energy will assist in the activation of both the earth chakra and the crown chakra.  This enables one to access energy from the higher realms and ground it safely to earth.  As this energy is safely grounded to earth there is no limit to the high vibrational energy you can bring in.
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Odds And Ends Corner
12 E Walnut St
Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: 1-516-238-5976


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