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Epidote (AKA Pistacite) Epidote is from the Greek ‘Epidosis’ meaning “Addition” or “Increase”.
Epidote acts as an attraction stone and will bring you more of whatever you emanate. It follows then, that if you are generous, it will bring you bounty; loving and kind, it will bring you love, etc. However, It also works with your undesirable qualities as well, so if you are negative, it will pull more negativity towards you. This aspect of epidote can be used wisely by noticing and changing these undesirable traits about oneself.
Program this gemstone to attract whatever you wish - however be certain that you already possess some of the desired quality, as epidote will not increase that which is not already present.
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Odds And Ends Corner
12 E Walnut St
Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: 1-516-238-5976


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