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FADEN QUARTZ  Faden lines form in Quartz Crystals and are seen as a clearly visible, milky, feathery line that usually runs through the crystal. This string or thread, that is perpendicular to the growth of the crystal, is unique to Fadens. Faden lines manifest primarily in Tabby Quartz crystals, but have on extremely rare occasions been found in a normal single point crystal. Faden lines represent the seed point of growth and they have the ability to activate or start new growth within you or within someone you are working with. Faden crystals foster connection, stimulation and further connective forces between yourself and your focus. It is also a stone for the exploration of the parallel dimensions of your reality. It strengthens the silver cord and produces an energy which both promotes and protects you in times of stress. This crystal facilitates attunement with others and assists in producing and maintaining ethereal connections.
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Odds And Ends Corner
12 E Walnut St
Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: 1-516-238-5976


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